
Where My Peeps At?

Now that Easter has come and gone all that remains our the precious peeps (which are NOW in the 1/2 price bin) next to the broken chocolate bunnies...

Of course some folks were up to the challenge of not just eating, but also playing with their peeps this year! And the Washington Post threw down the gauntlet with their first-ever Sunday Source Peeps Diorama Contest. The peep show really brought a grin to my face and I hope it will brighten your day too!

Below is a picture of my favorite scene titled:

"Say Anything: I Gave Her My Heart, She Gave Me a Peep"
By Julia Morse

But don't take my word for it. Check out these Masterpeepers for yourself. Thanks to KCJ for directing me to this little afternoon pick me up. My only hope is to make others have a good old fashion giggle with my peeps.


Phyllis said...

I don't know - they are all pretty cute - I think the Sunshine one might be my favorite.

H. Pierre Schlomo Presley said...

Thanks for the nod, Rach! My fave was actually the Mardi Gras. I did miss Easter candy even though we 'made due' with Belgian chocolates! Probably more high-brow but there's something about a Cadbury egg that cannot be replaced...maybe next year!


Anonymous said...

My Peps are in the South!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I gave her my heart and she broke it. She gave me peeps to binge on -Pathetic!

kkm said...

i luv cusack and i luv this version!