
Gumball Machine

My very own gumball machine, now resides as my desk! Yippee :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Rach - I'm blogging now too..check out mine... http://boaz-nc.blogspot.com/


~ Amy

H. Pierre Schlomo Presley said...

Was that a birthday present? I want some pictures of the bowling party! Hope you had a wonderful celebration.

Anonymous said...

You are a goofball. Good news, I still love you!

Rachiley said...

amy - it's nice seeing you and your family.

kacey - i'll post a blog or send you an e-mail with an update. it was a lot of fun :-) so sad you were unable to attend. not sure i could have even matched you scoop for scoop if i wanted ;-)

jab - you're a dork!

Phyllis said...

very cool!