
GROWL Memphis

So here is something that made me smile and laugh this morning. My neighborhood is very quaint and active. What I like most about my area is that it’s very runner, walker and biker friendly...Until things like Crepe Myrtle’s grow out of control and block the side walk.

And trust me I know all about the Crepe Myrtle’s out of control way – mine is constantly making a mess of my car, driveway and porch. I spend more time then I care to think about trying to tame this crazy tree plus its’ flowers and dust.

That leads me to my morning funny. My neighbor who lives around the corner has a Crepe Myrtle that literally took over the sidewalk. I jokingly told our mutual friend that the tree had begun to beat me up (leaving me with pink flowers entangled in my curls). To avoid the confrontation with the tree, Parker and I had decided to move to the street when we approached that block.

Until this morning when I got a pleasant surprise & note, which culminated in me smiling and laughing. See below:

As I stood there giggling I noticed some chalk was left out, so what did I do? I wrote back of course!!! I replied, “Thanks the management “hearts” it!” and “Bonus next month!” The older couple who lives in between our houses stopped as I finished up my chalk response. They declared to me how impressed they were with my neighbor’s tree trimming efforts.

Here is a shot of the offending tree:

And finally all this got my creative juices flowing so I wrote the following fake e-mail response to my friend:

Ms. Peacock**,

I wanted to extend a 3 Bark salute to you this morning from GROWL Memphis*! We were notified by some nosy neighbors in your 'hood that the crepe myrtle at your residence was finally cut back allowing bikers, runners and walkers access back to Sevier from Shirlwood & Philwood. Most importantly it now allows Dogs and their human companions a clear walkway to tread on their daily poop & scoop outings.

I for one tested this poop path this morning with Sir Barks-A-Lot (a Beagle) & Mr. Pickles (a Pomeranian) and we were quite impressed with the tree surgery. Mr. Pickles even christened the tree in his excitement. I know what you're thinking, but don't worry!!! I carry a canine fanny pack that includes doggie bags, wipes and a few innovative sprays to clean up the toughest mess (which is also available for ONLY $49.99 on the growlmemphis.org website).

Again, thank you so much for trimming back the tree and allowing our four-legged brothering the privileges to "walk this way!"

If you would like to learn more about GROWL Memphis, make a purchase, donation, register your dog or become a resident dog walker/dog walker –in-training please visit us online @ www.growlmemphis.org

Yours truly,

B. Mad Dog

Betty "The Mad Dog" Beagle
President & Communications Chair
GROWL Memphis

* GROWL Memphis = Greater Residences of Wags & Licks in Memphis
**Name has been removed to protect the innocent

Anyway, I hope you get a chuckle out of this like I did. TGIF to all my Reeling with Rachiley readers out there!


H. Pierre Schlomo Presley said...

I bet your hair looked pretty with the flowers in it!

H. Pierre Schlomo Presley said...

how I miss Memphis when I read posts like this... (CbnotKc)

have you heard of the Walkmen? There new album "You & Me" is good, though it takes some getting used to