
Indigo Girls Postponed

I'd been excited all week for 2 days of Music. First seeing Band of Horses and the following day the Indigo Girls. Unfortunately my musical evening ran dry last night. As my friends and I were eating dinner we were informed that the show had been cancelled. At first I was choosing not to believe it, but as word spread like wildfire throughout the restaurant, I realized this was no hoax.

It didn’t stop us from driving up to U of Memphis campus to see the signs for ourselves.

I was bummed, but seriously why does SPE look so darn chipper? Whatever the case may be we will now have to revisit this topic on 2.13.08. And I hope Amy feels better soon!


Phyllis said...

I'm jealous ... Indigo Girls at U of M was one of the best shows of theirs I saw!!! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh Rach - I LOVE the Indigo Girls, I am SO jealous that they are even coming there. Need to go check tour dates now!